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Investment platform set for success - UX in fintech


+100% increase in Revenue


The Challenge


The Proposal


Research & Strategy


Brand Identity


Website Design


Final Outcome

01 The Challenge

Revolutionising investing

Maqro‘s vision is to revolutionise the way we approach investing. Traditionally, to be successful, investors would have to spend a lot of time on research & analysis and trying out different stocks, which often leads to loss.


We aimed to create a brand & product experience that takes a new approach to investing. Maqro’s product offers the tools needed to save time on research and make investments set for success.


Check the final result: Go to Maqro website

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02 The Proposal

Transforming Maqro’s brand and experience.

Our aim was to create a new brand identity that reflects Maqro’s vision, a marketing website that communicates their products and the value they bring to their users. And lastly, a revolutionary app that will take the investment game to a new level.

ServicesStrategy at Raw.Studio


ServicesResearch at Raw.Studio


ServicesUI Design at Raw.Studio

UI Design

ServicesUX Design at Raw.Studio

UX Design

ServicesBranding at Raw.Studio


ServicesWeb Dev at Raw.Studio

Web Dev

ServicesCRO at Raw.Studio


2.1 Research & Strategy

Brand workshop & User research

In order to set a strategy, we carried out a branding workshop followed by an extensive research phase. These practices let us tap into investing world and understand Maqro’s role in a user’s journey.


The insights gained from these steps were crucial in forming the brand and product strategy. This determined how we were going to bring Maqro’s brand to life and create a functional product that would change the investment world.



  • Journey Mapping
  • Competitors analysis
  • Personas
  • UX Audit
  • Short & long term strategies

2.2 Brand Identity

Rebranding Maqro

We referenced Maqro’s existing brand but gave it a modern twist to ensure that existing customers still feel connected and that their brand story is not lost.

The conceptual piece of Maqro’s logomarks is the three puzzle pieces – from small to large. These reflect the company’s evolution. From beginner to pro, there’s a piece for every type of investor.

2.3 Website Design

Telling Maqro’s story

The marketing website is crucial to the brand’s strategy as it is the face of the company. It is the starting point of the brand forming a relationship with the user. The brand refresh assisted with creating this relationship by communicating the brand’s story, values and range of products, which will ultimately influence whether they will become a customer.

image showcasing the website design of Maqro
image showcasign the mobile screens of the app


The website design step was a particularly exciting process as we got to show off all of the sub-brands within one space. Having a multi-brand can be tricky as each individual brand has to speak to the rest while maintaining its character.

Website Slide 01 - Raw.Studio
Website Slide 02 - Raw.Studio
Website Slide 03 - Raw.Studio
Website Slide 04 - Raw.Studio

3.0 Final Outcome

Disrupting investing world

Investing can be a trial and error game for less experienced investors. Maqro’s product aimed to eliminate the uncertainty out of the investment process and let users make decisions set for success. The main challenge we had to face was bringing immense functionality of the product into a small scale of a mobile screen, ensuring the interface was very easy to understand and use.

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image 199 - Raw.Studio

Personalisation through onboarding

One of Maqro’s great values is to treat their customers with care, finding an individual approach to each. This means the application needs to have a tailored approach to each user.


We created an engaging onboarding to identify customers’ goals and investment strategies. This initial step fuels the rest of their personalised journey.

onboarding screens of the maqro app

Watchlist – reimagined

Maqro introduced a new way to watch stock’s performance. The investment app allows its users to create multiple demo portfolios. This incredible feature enables users to see what could happen if they invested in certain stocks without losing any money.

app wishlist screens

Functional dashboard

One of our challenges was fitting the functionality of a complex desktop product into a much reduced mobile space. We went through various iterations to find the perfect solution, where users can easily access all of the dashboard features on one screen.

app dashboard iteration

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